Psychic tarot reading: Just for you and what you need to know for your week.
Today I’m using the Psychic Tarot by John Holland. I love this deck.
Right now I’m going to have you get into a relaxed state, close your eyes, relax your shoulders down.
Take 3 deep long breaths then open your eyes and glide your left hand over the 3 cards below:
Pick one card, sometimes you may want to pick all 3, that’s perfectly alright. You have a messages that need to be told to you.
Here are your 3 cards.
If you picked 1. Destiny: This card represents a major transformation in your life that is waiting to unfold.
Your life is about to turn right around. I’m all about love readings so I will interpret as a love description.
Someone that you didn’t expect to enter (perhaps from the past), commit(proposal) or even a certain someone that you were waiting for to open their heart and say I love you. Well, this is your lucky day! Expect a turn around of events.
If you picked 2. Stand your ground: You’ve been experiencing a struggle, challenges and maybe some chaos.
Well this card says to you that you need to stand your ground. Don’t let someone’s egos and negative energy get to you. You are holding all the power.
With regards to love, this relates to a person’s ego. And that’s all it is. They are in their head not their heart. Their emotional blocks and walls will eventually come down.
If you picked 3. Deception and envy: This card tells you that someone you know is having a really bad day, week, month even year/s. Carrying a lot of pain. Which triggers their own feelings of inadequacy.
It’s sad but true that even someone you care for deeply (friend, family, soulmate, twin flame) can make you feel like they are repeatable attacking with negative behaviour patterns.
When this card shows up, it is important be positive and not react. Be aware that the other person is going through a battle of their own. Give them space and focus on you. Deception and envy is temporary. Remember the reading is about awareness. Nothing is written in stone and your control your own destiny.
I just uploaded a new video with this reading to youTube, check it out:
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